Overhead handling system > Overhead conveyor > Inverted mounted chain conveyor > 1010 Series
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Inverted mounted chain conveyor - 1010 Series

Convoynort - Inverted mounted chain conveyor - 1010 Series

The features of the reversed monorail 1010 series are those of the overhead monorail chain conveyor 1000 series.

The inverted monorail forms a closed loop.
The chain runs in a steel section. Carried parts are
hooked to the chain through a C shaped hook.
Section: 60mm×68mm×thickness 4mm.
The conveyor chain is fitted with horizontal and vertical wheels with bearings.

Chain pitch:  180mm or 270mm or 360mm.
The chain includes mechanical parts and forged parts.
It has an anchoring point at each pitch.
Maximum operating temperature: 250°c.
Brochure conveyor type C-hook 1010 Series

Convoynort - Inverted mounted chain conveyor - 1010 Series
Convoynort - Inverted mounted chain conveyor - 1010 SeriesConvoynort - Inverted mounted chain conveyor - 1010 Series

The inverted conveyor can also be used as a transfers conveyor (See transfers conveyor).